
Friday, July 14, 2017

New Featured Episode: Brushfire

Rodek oversaw the loading of I.K.S. Kor. This mission was too important to leave to his quartermaster. An error would be inexcusable – too much was on the line. Martok was believed lost once already; it would be a tragedy for him to be lost again. If all went according to plan, Lieutenant Kord will have earned a promotion after smuggling the uniform being carried onto the ship at this exact moment.

"Bridge to General Rodek. A message from High Command."

Rodek hit his communicator, impatiently. "This is Rodek. Speak."

"Sir, the High Council has approved our mission. Even J'mpok himself. And your friend has agreed to help us. We are to rendezvous in the Briar Patch in six days' time. We should be able to make it there in five at Warp 8."

Rodek smirked. "Good. Once we are done loading, gather all crew in the mess hall and bring a barrel of bloodwine. Only one barrel. The other barrel is for when we've succeeded."

"Yes, sir!"

"It would appear that House Martok may soon be in your debt, Rodek, son of Noggra." A familiar voice surprised Rodek from behind.

"Lady Sirella, I was not expecting you." Lady Sirella, head of House Martok in her husband's absence, discussed many details of this plan with Rodek before the plan was brought to the High Council. Rodek was certain that she was the one who pushed this operation through. "I promise that I will bring your husband home to you."

"Yes. You will, General. However, should it come to it, send your ship to the edge of the Briar Patch and that petaQ Torg will learn the fury of a Klingon forced to bury her grandson before his time."

"Understood." Rodek offered a Klingon salute as she quietly left him to his duty.

As the Tzenkethi threat menaces the Alpha Quadrant, a new hope presents itself in the Beta Quadrant. On Tuesday, July 18th, experience Star Trek Online's latest featured episode "Brushfire" and seek the aid of one of history's greatest Klingon generals. "Brushfire" comes out with Season 13.5, and continues our "New Frontiers" storyline. It includes great rewards that you can earn over the course of several weeks.

For a limited time, "Brushfire" will be available to all players level 10 and up (Romulan players must have selected a faction). After this, it will be in our normal mission journal progression.

Ryon "Melange" Levitt
Staff Content Designer
Cryptic Studios

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