
Monday, January 8, 2018

Star Trek: The Cruise II - Day 3

Day Three of Star Trek: The Cruise II is in the books. The Norwegian Jade pulled into port in Roatan this morning, and many, even most of the 2300 fans on board spent the day on the beach and/or enjoying a variety of excursions. Starting around dinner time, though, the Star Trek once again kicked into high gear.

Original Trek

star trek the cruise, original trek

Jonathan Frakes at long last made it on board the Jade following weather-related delays back on the east coast, and he and Gates McFadden had a surprise for the standing-room-only crowd in 13 Forward: guests Robert Picardo, Kitty Swink, Armin Shimerman, John de Lancie and Marnie Mosiman, doing a live reading of "The Trouble with Tribbles."

star trek the cruise, gates mcfadden

Gates McFadden voiced Captain Kirk.

star trek the cruise, Jonathan Frakes

Jonathan Frakes played Spock and narrated.

star trek the cruise, Armin Shimerman, Gates McFadden, Jonathan Frakes

Armin Shimerman was Scotty.

Kitty Swink (wife of Armin Shimerman) portrayed Baris.

star trek the cruise, robert picardo

Robert Picardo did the talking for Uhura.

Marnie Mosiman (wife of John de Lancie) was Chekov.

star trek the cruise, John de Lancie

 John de Lancie voiced Dr. McCoy.

The actors also voiced various additional characters. "I'm doing a little Kirk with Spock," Frakes cracked. "Do you hear that?" They elicited chuckles with their assorted accents, particularly Mosiman, who captured Koenig impressively. More laughs came from humorous asides and flubs. "I turned the page the wrong way," Picardo admitted. "Give me a second." Later, Shimerman admonished himself for his accent. "I did an Irish Scotty."

The biggest laugh of the night came when Shimerman teased Picardo for going "overboard" with his character's laughing. Picardo looked out the window toward the water and joked, "It's a perfect place to go overboard." When the laughter died down, Shimerman said, "You owe me one, Bob!"


star trek the cruise, Robert O'Reilly & Max Grodenchik

Laughs were aplenty when Robert O'Reilly and Max Grodenchik brought their Gowron and Rom characters to 13 Forward for an original story about a temporal anomaly that landed them on a cruise ship on Earth. 

An Evening with George Takei

star trek the cruise, George Takei

Fans filled the Stardust Theater to near capacity to hear Star Trek legend Takei speak for a full hour. He talked for 45 minutes directly to the audience and then spent 15 minutes answering fan questions. he opened by sharing his love of cruises, explaining that they bring people together for a shared experience and provide unique, memorable moments. 

star trek the cruise, George Takei

He noted that while at dinner with his husband, Brad, one fan sent over a bottle of Dom Perignon. At another dinner, a fan paid for the meal. And quite amusingly, Takei recalled how he needs to go to the bathroom at one point, but couldn't excuse himself to do so. Then, when he could, the wait for the elevator took forever. A fan waiting to use the elevator told Takei his room was just around the corner and invited him to use the bathroom in his stateroomto go to the bathroom badly but it took so long for the elevator it's with someone for the elevator to come then he took up a fans offer to use their bathroom.

star trek the cruise, George Takei

Turning more serious, he spoke about his experiences as a youth, when he, his family and so many other Asian-Americans were placed in internment camps, relieved of their money and stripped of their rights. That story, of course, was examined/explored by his Broadway play, Allegiance.

Q's Costume Party

star trek the cruise, john de lancie

Hundreds of fans went all for this soiree, hosted by John de Lancie and featuring a performance by Information Society.

star trek the cruise, information society

Here's a sampling of the amazing costumes:

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Star Trek: The Cruise II

Drink of the Day

Star Trek: The Cruise II, Borg Invasion

The drink of the day was a tasty, refreshing Borg Invasion. It consisted of vodka, lemon juice, sweet and sour, and beer. Say it with us... resistance was futile.

star trek the cruise, captain's holiday beer

Also available throughout the cruise is the new Captain's Holiday craft beer and nine classic Star Trek drinks: Raktajino, Andorean Ale, Picard's High Tea, Tranya, Risa Moons Shine, Gowron's Choice Bloodwine, Saurian Brandy, Romulan Ale and Aldebaran Whiskey.

Late Night Comedy

star trek the cruise, ethan phillips

It's commonly known that Bob Saget, who played the nice guy dad on Full House, is one of the bluest standup comics in the business. Well, the Star Trek equivalent of that is Ethan Phillips, and he spent an hour tonight keeping fans in stitches with his ribald act. We'd share some jokes with you, but, we'll, no. Sorry.

Star Trek Museum

The atrium of the Norwegian Jade serves as the temporary home of the Star Trek Museum. Ensconced in cases are props and replicas spanning much of the Star Trek franchise including items from Star Trek: Discovery. Here are some of the fan favorites:

star trek the cruise, VISOR


star trek: the cruise, Starfleet Academy Flight Trainer Filming Miniature

Starfleet Academy Flight Trainer Filming Miniature

star trek the cruise, phaser

Starfleet Phaser

star trek the cruise, starfleet phaser pulse rifle

Starfleet Phaser Pulse Rifle

star trek the cruise, Torchbearer D'k tahg

Torchbearer D'k tahg

star trek the cruise, harry mudd cuff

Harry Mudd's Cuff

star trek, the cruise, medkit

Medkit (c. 2266)

star trek the cruise, cardassian phaser pistol

Cardassian Phaser Pistol (c. 2370s)

Read the Day One and Day Two recaps and keep watching for the daily updates on Star Trek: The Cruise II.

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