
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Jackal's Trick Out Now

A Klingon scheme a century in the making is about to pay off, and it's up to Admiral Riker and the crew of the U.S.S. Titan to save the day. Welcome to Star Trek: Prey -- Book 2: The Jackal's Trick, written by John Jackson Miller and out now from Simon and Schuster/Pocket Books.

Here's the full synopsis from the publisher:

The Klingon-Federation alliance is in peril as never before. Lord Korgh has seized control of the House of Kruge, executing a plot one hundred years in the making. The Klingon cult known as the Unsung rampages across the stars, striking from the shadows in their cloaked birds-of-prey. And the mysterious figure known as Buxtus Cross launches a scheme that will transform the Klingon Empire forever.

Into danger flies Admiral William T. Riker and the U.S.S. Titan, charged with protecting the peace forged nearly a century before during the Khitomer Accords. Aided by Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise, Riker and his officers scour the stars, seeking to find the Unsung and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy before time runs out.

Yet even as Commander Worf departs on a deeply personal mission of honor, hidden sinister forces seek to turn the crisis to their advantage. And the conspirators' plans threaten to spiral out of control, jeopardizing the very empire they aspire to rule...

Star Trek: Prey -- Book 2: The Jackal's Trick is part of a trilogy that stretches from Star Trek III: The Search for Spock to Star Trek: The Next Generation and is being released in three consecutive months. The Jackal's Trick runs 352 pages and is available as a mass market paperback and eBook. It costs $7.99. Go to to order the adventure, and keep an eye on for details about Book 3: The Hall of Heroes.

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