It's Be Bald and Be Free Day, everyone. Yes, it's a thing. According to, "Be Bald and Be Free Day is observed annually on October 14, and the day is sometimes referred to as Bald and Free Day. A celebration of the naked crown, Be Bald and Be Free Day recognizes the beauty of baring the scalp." thought we'd celebrate by tipping our cap to some of Star Trek's most-memorable follicly challenged characters. Now, we're sure we've left out a few, and a few are borderline (are Klingons really bald?), so feel free to add them down by the comments.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
(He's THE man, right?)
Captain Benjamin Sisko
(Actually, HE'S the man, right? Can we call it a tie?)
(Love the tats)
(So ethereal)
The Doctor
(The hairless hologram)
Seven of Nine
(What do the Borg need with hair?)
(A Picard clone, how could he NOT be bald?)
(We guess he's bald, right?)
Science Officer 0718
(One of Trek's coolest, most-distinct-looking characters)
The Borg Queen
(Could bald possibly be... sexier?)
(Let's let this guy represent all Ferengi)
(One of the many reptilian-esque aliens on Trek that aren't exactly bald, but don't have hair, so...)
Mr. Homn
(A few stray hairs on the crown, but otherwise bald)
(Resembles the characters from Alien Nation)
General Chang
(So let the debate begin: Are Klingons bald? Some TOS Klingons had full hair. Others, like Worf, were all ridged forehead, with hair in the back. But Chang, well, he's b-a-l-d, bald.)
(Bald and super-veiny)
(Remember her? She stepped into Chekov's chair when Chekov took Scotty's place as chief engineer in Star Trek into Darkness)
(Another of Trek's most visually unique aliens)
Reman Viceroy
(Hey, isn't that Hellboy?)
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