
Friday, September 30, 2016

9 Things You Need To Know About Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe (DSTE) is shaping up to be the world's largest Star Trek 50th Anniversary event. Set for October 7-9 at the UK's NEC Birmingham, fans can meet Star Trek celebrities, explore interactive exhibits, learn about Star Trek's impact on science, space and technology, and enjoy parties fit for a golden anniversary. has broken eveything down into 9 Things You Need to Know About Destination Star Trek Europe.

1. Star Trek Celebrities

Actors from across the Star Trek universe will be appearing on-stage throughout the weekend and available for autographs and photo ops.

Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe

Destination Star Trek Europe

Greg Grunberg, the actor who appeared as Finnegan in Star Trek Beyond, will host an opening ceremony on Friday night. And what will really set this apart is that every Trek guest will be on-stage during the ceremony. 

2. Stages

DSTE will unfold across three stages – the Enterprise Stage, Voyager Stage and Excelsior Stage.

Destination Star Trek Europe

That means something will be going on pretty much all day, every day. Check the schedule so that you can plan where you want to be and when.

3. Celebrity Talks

Every Star Trek celebrity will be on stage, but it's the unusual – yet super-logical – combinations that will have people talking afterward.

Destination Star Trek Europe

Tale of Two Daxs will feature Nicole de Boer and Terry Farrell sharing memories, much like they shared a character.

Destination Star Trek Europe

All Hail the 50 Year March of the Klingons will feature Robert O'Reilly in costume, along with Terry Farrell. 

Destination Star Trek Europe

TOS A Look Back will bring together George Takei and Walter Koenig.

Destination Star Trek Europe

And then Movies to Series will put the spotlight on TOS star Koenig and TOS film guest Christopher Lloyd, as well as TNG regular Marina Sirtis and First Contact guest Alice Krige.

Destination Star Trek Europe

How about the combo of mother, son and… counselor, or Gates McFadden, Wil Wheaton and Marina Sirtis? 

4. Panels

Panels throughout the weekend will celebrate Trek games, collectibles, publishing, cosplay and more, often with familiar Trek names participating. 

Destination Star Trek Europe

Two Trek Talks - including one with former NASA astronaut, Al Worden - will explore Star Trek's influence on science and pop culture.

Destination Star Trek Europe

Disruptor Beam will take players inside the popular Star Trek Timelines game.

Destination Star Trek Europe

The Wand Company will show fans how they created the TOS Bluetooth Communicator.

Destination Star Trek Europe

Eaglemoss will reveal details about the Official Starships Collection.

5. Bridges

If you've never acted in a Trek show or movie, you can still get in on the action, thanks to replica bridges that will be available for solo photos or once-in-a-lifetime photo ops:

Destination Star Trek Europe

William Shatner, George Takei and Walter Koenig together on the TOS bridge

Destination Star Trek Europe

Marina Sirtis or Wil Wheaton on the TNG bridge.

Destination Star Trek Europe

William Shatner and Christopher Lloyd together on the Bird of Prey bridge.

Destination Star Trek

And prepare to be assimilated in the Borg regeneration chambers.

6. Art Exhibit & Prop/Costume Museum

Making its UK debut, 50 Artists. 50 Years. art exhibition features Star Trek-inspired works by 50 artists from around the world.

Destination Star Trek Europe

Fans are invited to tour the art exhibit for free throughout the weekend, and some of the artists - follow on social media for names and times - will be signing 50 Artists. 50 Years. books, posters and prints throughout the event.

The Prop & Costume Museum returns to DSTE with costumes from The Motion PictureVoyager, Enterprise and Deep Space Nine along with props from The Next Generation, Voyager and more.

7. Cosplay World Record Attempt & Contests

Fans, as they do at every Trek event, will turn up in their most-fanciful, most-inventive, craziest costumes, as well as in their Starfleet uniforms.

Destination Star Trek Europe

DSTE will heighten the excitement on Saturday by trying to break their Guinness World Record for "The Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Star Trek Characters," set during Destination Star Trek London in 2012. That day, 1,063 fans gathered together in costume, beating the previous record of 1,040. So get a costume and be part of the world record attempt.

Destination Star Trek Europe

And don't forget to participate in the Cosplay Competition on Saturday and Sunday. Who knows, a Trek celebrity may judge your costume and you could win prizes, too.

8. Fan Fun

The entertainment will go, pardon the pun, beyond, at DSTE.

Destination Star Trek Europe

Can you sing… in the style of William Shatner? Then you don't want to miss Kirk-a-oke.

Destination Star Trek Europe

The Red Shirt 'Fight' Off will give anyone sporting a redshirt the chance to enact the best redshirt death.

Destination Star Trek Europe

Want to relax? Grab a bite or drink? Grunt at Tribbles? Then head on over to the Klingon Zone.

9. Parties & Performances

The fun doesn't end when the show floor closes each evening.

Destination Star Trek Europe

Slip into your finest Starfleet attire and beam over to the Federation Ball on Friday evening.

Destination Star Trek Europe

William Shatner, on Saturday evening, will perform his acclaimed one-man show Shatner's World for the first time in the UK. 

Destination Star Trek Europe

Celebrate Star Trek's 50th anniversary at the Saturday Night Party at Quark's Bar and Casino, which will feature a performance by the fan-favorite Star Trek Rat Pack, a/k/a Armin Shimerman, Max Grodenchik, Vaughn Armstrong, Jeffrey Combs and Casey Biggs. 

Don't Forget...

If you've never been to a Destination Star Trek event, or it's been a while since you've been to a convention, a few helpful reminders follow to help you enjoy the experience to its fullest.

  • Know What's Included: Some packages include photo ops and special event tickets but some do not. Check your tickets details. 

  • Buy Tickets Before You Go: Purchase tickets in advance for the autographs, photo ops, panels and separate-admission shows that are not part of your admission ticket or package. It'll not only save you time standing on lines, but you'll avoid the frustration of being on site, only to discover what you're after has sold out.

  • Plan Your Day(s): Check out the DSTE schedule online and prioritize what you really want to see. There are so choices that you may need to decide what is most important.

  • Bring Extra Power: Scotty will not be able to supply more power so you have to bring extra batteries for your phone and camera. And make sure everything is fully charged each evening. You don't miss that once-in-a-lifetime photo. 

  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: You will definitely get your "steps in" as you go between the three stages, photo opps and exhibitions. 

  • Bring a Bag: Whether it's a photograph, signed print or that exclusive collectible you purchased at the Ferengi Bazaar, you will want to keep your memories in pristine conditiion so bring a backpack or tote to carry everything home. 

For additional details and to purchase tickets to DSTE, go to And if you can't attend, follow the team all weekend on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for the latest news!

via Star Trek Latest News

"Darmok" Turns 25 Today

Many memorable episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series are turning 50 this year, but they're not the only hours we'll be celebrating in the coming weeks and months here at Some of Star Trek: The Next Generation's best installments will turn 25 years old this year. Case in point, "Darmok," which debuted on September 30, 1991 and which tends to always land in the top 10, or often the top 5, of TNG Best-of lists.

Captain Picard and Dathon in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Some facts, figures and anecdotes about "Darmok."

"Darmok" was the second episode of TNG's fifth season. Winrich Kolbe directed it based on a script by Joe Menosky and a story by Menosky and Philip LeZebnik.

According to Memory Alpha, "'Darmok" was filmed between Thursday July 18, 1991 and Friday July 26, 1991 on Paramount Stage 8, 9 and 16, as well as on location at Bronson Canyon."

The Crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation in

"Shaka, when the walls fell," spoken by both Picard (Patrick Stewart) and Dathon (Paul Winfield), rates as one of the most-memorable lines in all of Star Trek.

We also loved Picard's reply to Riker, when the latter asked, "New friends, captain?" Picard answered, "I can't say, Number One. But at least they're not new enemies."

Data, Worf, and Dorn in Star Trek: The Next Generation

What did you think of the new captain's uniform, which made its debut in this episode?

Winfield was no stranger to Star Trek, as he'd played Captain Terrell in The Wrath of Khan. The actor, an Oscar nominee and Emmy winner, died of a heart attack in 2002.

Ensign Robin Lefler in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Ashley Judd, in "Darmok," made the first of her two appearances as Ensign Robin Lefler. She also played the character in "The Game."

According to the Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion, producer Michael Piller deemed "Darmok" to have had the longest gestation period of any episode made during his tenure: two years.

Blooper time: phaser fire comes out of the forward photon torpedo launcher.

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STO's Mission Continues with Agents of Yesterday – Artifacts

The mission continues for Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday. On October 25, captains will have access to Agents of Yesterday – Artifacts, an update to the last expansion that introduces a brand-new episode and story arc that will carry Star Trek Online through the next year, a Star Trek: The Original Series-themed Starbase Fleet Holding, plus all of the new modern lighting upgrades that were recently featured in the console version of the game.

The newest update to Star Trek Online begins a fresh story arc that will start an adventure that runs through 2017. Captains will be reunited with the Lukari, a warp-capable species originally introduced in Season 11 that seeks to expand their exploratory efforts. Players will accompany the Lukari on a mission to an alien solar system, where they will discover the joys of exploration, the dangers of unknown space, and begin to unravel a mystery that will have long lasting consequences.

Agents of Yesterday – Artifacts also includes the return of the Starbase K-13, which was lost during Agents of Yesterday to a temporal anomaly. This space station will be available to all fleets as part of the new TOS-themed Fleet Holding. In addition to our new story episode and this amazing new fleet holding, the update will feature upgraded lighting and graphics, designed to improve the overall visual quality of the game. These modern lighting technologies recently debuted with the Xbox One and PlayStation4 releases of the game.

For more Star Trek Online news, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

"The Naked Time"... 50 Years Later

"The Naked Time," the sixth episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, premiered on September 29, 1966 -- or 50 years ago today. The episode, written by John D.F. Black and directed by Marc Daniels, ranks as a fan favorite thanks in large part to the indelible images of a shirtless Sulu rampaging through the decks of the Enterprise, wielding a foil, Riley "singing" the tune "I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen," Kirk revealing his love/hate (but mostly love) for the Enterprise, Spock crying and and Chapel professing her love to Spock.

Shirtless Sulu in Star Trek: The Original Series

Some fun fact, figures, quotes and anecdotes about "The Naked Time"

"The Naked Time" was, in 1967, nominated for a Hugo Award as "Best Dramatic Presentation."

One of our favorite lines, uttered by Riley: "Have no fear, O'Riley's here... and one Irishman is worth 10,000 of you."

Riley in Star Trek: The Original Series

Eddie Paskey speaks his first line of dialogue as Leslie in this hour, Bruce Hyde makes the first of his two appearances as Hyde, and the episode also marks Majel Barrett's debut as Chapel. Actually, ""The Naked Time" is the one and only episode of TOS in which Uhura, Rand and Chapel appeared together.

Those environmental suits that Spock and Tormolen (Stewart Moss) wear? They were crafted out of -- are you ready? -- shower curtains!

Spock dressed in environmental suit in Star Trek: The Original Series

Speaking of Stewart Moss, interviewed the actor last year. He recounted his last scene in the episode, noting that, "emotionally unglued, I have dialogue that is off the wall, questioning our mission in space, building to a self-hatred that ends in a struggle with two other crew members over a butter knife which I fall on, wounding myself and eventually dying. Worried that I'd go over the top, I asked Marc to make sure I wasn't too big. He told me not to worry, what I was doing was believable. This was just another part in just another television show, nothing extraordinary about it. Little did I know. After the show aired I got a note in the mail from John D. F. Black, the writer and an associate producer on the show, thanking me for making him look good. Much appreciated." Go HERE to read the full interview.

McCoy tears Kirk's uniform in Star Trek: The Original Series

More than a few fans noticed that, in this episode, McCoy tore Kirk's uniform in order to inject him with the hypo, but that in later episodes, hypos were administered straight through any clothing.

An Enterprise bowling alley? Yes, Riley makes mention of it.

The whole crew in Star Trek: The Original Series

Hyde died on October 13, 2015, succumbing to throat cancer, which he'd previously beaten into remission. had spoken to Hyde in 2014, and of "The Naked Time" he said, "The singing part is what is still most vivid to me. I feel a certain affinity to that song, 'I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen.' It was, for a long time, for me like 'Over the Rainbow' was to Judy Garland. I used to be asked to sing that song at every convention I attended." Read the full interview HERE.

via Star Trek Latest News

Trek Apps at Your Fingertips

The 50th anniversary of Star Trek continues, and it does so right at your fingertips. That's to say that there's a wide variety of Trek games and activities accessible via apps. Below, check out our round-up of options, which include Star Trek: Trexels, Star Trek: Wrath of Gems, Wonky Ship, Trekmoji and QUIDD...

YesGnome - Star Trek: Trexels

The USS Valiant has been destroyed by an unknown attacker, and Starfleet has chosen YOU to continue its mission deep within a mysterious area of space known as the Trexelian Expanse. Build your ship, choose your crew, learn the fate of the Valiant, and explore the Expanse in the name of the Federation. Narrated by George Takei.

Price: Free


Google Play:

Genera - Star Trek: Wrath of Gems

Star Trek comes to life in the official RPG puzzle quest. Join the federation in this exciting game that combines your favorite Trek characters from The Original Series and The Next Generation, together with starship battles, one-on-one combat, versus tournaments, and deep RPG leveling. Become a part of this global phenomenon, for fans both old and new.

Price: Free


Google Play:

You42 - Wonky Ship

Resisting the black hole is futile, but now you have choices beyond the worst ship ever. Boldly go where no Wonky Ship has gone before... with six new ships from the Star Trek universe. Today is a good day to die -- and to engage these new features: the six new ships; ships now have stat rankings; coin boost purchases now permanent; UI improvements and bug fixes.

Price: Free


Google Play:

BareTree - Trekmoji

TrekMoji is the official Star Trek emoji and sticker app offering fans a bold new way to enjoy the future of messaging. TrekMoji showcases iconic characters and technology from TOS and TNG, with new emojis coming soon. With TrekMoji, you can compose a text message, tap your sticker into your message, and send it, all from within the app. The TrekMoji app is compatible with iMessage and other messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and more. Fans can also grant TrekMoji access to their iPhone's or iPad's keyboard and use the app as a keyboard extension directly from their device.

Price: $1.99


Google Play:


Collect and trade officially-licensed, limited-edition Star Trek emojis, stickers, cards and 3D figures of your favorite characters. The Trek emojis and stickers are automatically added to your keyboard.

Price: Free


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